On that note, I've been meaning to share the results of our "garden". We really just planted stuff all over the yard to see what happened. It was tricky to keep the first sprouts from being eaten by slugs and bugs, but once they got started....
Here are a bunch of pictures of our plants at the beginning of June.

One of our three artichokes.

A couple of summer squash plants.

Broccoli finally looking like broccoli.


Potato flower.

Potato bags.

Snap peas!
But now it's July, and SPIDER SEASON!

The lettuce is still going strong!

The kale is DELICIOUS.

Delicious I say! (Patrick loves Kale, even more than I do. He brings it home.)

Lots of flowers one of our GIANT tomato plants. We've already had 2 early tomatoes off of this one- they're Sungold.

There are sprouts starting on our brussels.


Our new strawberry plants are going crazy, but something keeps eating the fruit before we can get to it. (It leaves teeth marks! This has been a problem in several areas of the garden.)

But not at the summer squash. Which are GIANT and delicious.

They have the prettiest blooms.

Lookit that squash! We've gotten probably 4 times that amount off the 2 plants already.

Then there are the true miracles- artichokes!

These two plants are supposed to be the same variety but they sure don't look alike.

There's our first harvested artichoke with some of the kale. I braised the kale tonight and we ate it with

Zucchini sandwiches!
Not shown : We harvested the first bag of potatoes. They were DELICIOUS. So perfect and amazing. The other bag has purple potatoes, which we'll probably harvest this weekend.
The broccoli made food- but we didn't love the taste. We've definitely figured out what's worth the effort (which is minimal, really) and what isn't.
So we probably won't do Broccoli next year, but we will do:
Snap Peas - delicious and effortless.
Cherry Tomato
Squash (also effortless, after the bed was built.)
Potato (maybe)
Kale (in containers again)
Lettuce (")
Still don't know about:
The brussel sprouts
MINT (More of a weed. A nice tasting weed.)
We have a little bit of asparagus planted, it shot up one sprout-- who knows what will happen with it next year. It's all magic!