What do you do with that envelope of "Value Savings Coupons That You Will Never Use, But We Will Send You Every Week Till You Die"?
You can't throw it away, that's
When I got this week's I opened it up and decided to try
this out with no cutting. (Might as well.)
Mom (who was visiting from Texas) and I split up the envelope, and started folding.

We folded each sheet in half, and then folded the edges into the center. (We picked the prettiest side to use on each ad.)

We then wove the pieces together, leaving enough room on the ends to tuck under.

We tucked the ends into the folded side (this takes a little pre-planning) and added the tiniest pieces of tape.

I kind of like the way this looks under my vase. It will also help to catch the dropping petals of flowers I forget to water.

We tried to have Kat participate, but she couldn't figure out the fold method we were using. Her pieces ended up all weird-shaped.