I just bought a set of Sharpie Liquid Pencils- the result was not fantastic, and I put a little review over at
Adventures in Making.
Despite this little misstep on their part, Sharpies will always have a special place in my heart.

It was only recently I realized that not everyone had a large collection of these permanent markers. My mom's purse always held at least a few colors, which were out-of-bounds without adult supervision. (This did not keep me from drawing all over myself with them when no one was looking.) One of the first things I bought when I went away to college was my own set. I have increased an replaced the collection as time has gone on.
It's a secret pleasure.
Recently I found out one of Patrick's cousins works for the company- and he offered me anything I want. I'm trying to find something that I am missing (other than the stainless steel marker) but all I can come up with are things I'd like to see....
• more metallic colors... silver is not enough.
• more grays and pastel colors (for those of us who are afraid of color)
• more purples!
anything you'd like to see?